Friday, March 5, 2010

Rye on Rye

This one is special.

I also recently attended a New Belgian beer tasting at Barley's Midland with The Schultzez, Richard Hu, and Nitin Pai. The opening monologue by the N.B. rep was okay, but as a serious beer geek I thought it a little elementary...let's get to the tasting. Out of five beers I'd say the Ranger IPA was good; seriously nuanced hops but not much of a body to it. The Dark Heather Saison was really special, a different take on Saison. Didn't really like the sour beer, wow it was sour.

1 comment:

  1. Indeed. Nitin got the last bottle of Rye-on-Rye at Knocky's (maybe the last bottle? Couldn't find it elsewhere). Last night's dinner party at Zip's started with Rye on Rye - fantastic - and ended with blueberry pie and Scotch Aggravation (one part scotch, one part kahlua, two parts cream).
